Advertising in Newspapers

Advertising in Newspapers - Newspaper advertisements are as old as advertisement itself. Although, it's an age-old method of advertisement, it still receives the same response and is highly successful. Both small and large businesses still choose this method to promote their products and services. Ask them and nearly hundred percent advertisers would select newspapers as their primary advertise medium.

In spite of registered decline in newspaper circulation numbers and advertisements featured in a newspaper, they are read by millions of people at their breakfast table. The rate of increase in price to place advertisements in newspapers is climbing rapidly when compared to radio, television and billboards. The main aim should be to get the desired attention from the advertisement and out do the competitor. Various factors should be considered and measures should be taken to ensure success, while keeping the cost low.

Advertising in Newspapers

Many advertisers, who advertise through newspapers, design their own advertisements without any prior training. This has lead to the rise of larger number of retailers who think that making an ad by them is the only way to get it right. This approach saves a lot of money and is good for small businesses, only if they reach to correct customers. The one time cost of placing a small advertisement is $150, so the measures should be taken to place them effectively. It isn't necessary to have a full-page advertisement posted in the newspaper. If smartly designed, even half page advertisement can do wonders; the money saved can be used to advertise concurrently in other mediums like radio, websites, etc.

Using colorful font can multiply the cost to many times and is not worth the return. If the budget is low and the matter is confident enough, black font will be fine. Regular readers read the newspapers daily; therefore, there is no sense in placing the same ad in the same paper everyday. The advertisement can be placed in different papers everyday. The frequency can be three times a week for a particular newspaper. But there is an increase in the number of readers on weekends, so more money can be invested on placing advertisement in the weekend edition. Don't be disappointed if all the advertisement space is sold on weekend. Insert fliers in between the pages of the newspaper.

As many advertisers will be posting their ads on weekends in the local newspaper and the chances of your ad getting lost in the muddle, the conventions can be twisted a little to beat the competition. Place an offer coupon in the mid-week editorial and pay the local station to advertise and talk about the offer on their famous program. Ask them to specifically mention about the coupon placed in the newspaper. Out of the daily readers, only few of them go through the entire newspapers. Most of them view the first and last page. So instead of posting an ad thrice weekly in the middle pages, invest on placing the ad on the first or last page of the newspaper, once a week. Majority of the newspapers don't give competitive protection, that is, an advertisement of a firm can be placed next to the advertisement of its competitor. Specify about this condition to the sales person and take the guarantee from them.

There is a decrease in the number of local newspapers every year. In United States, only about a thousand newspapers function on a daily basis. Local people are now relying on weekly papers or newspapers with the local section. Sometimes only one publisher controls many of the local newspapers. Newspapers for all the localities are printed at one place with only the front page being changed. When advertising in such publications, care should be taken on recognizing the audience that is being reached. All the effort and money is wasted if the wrong customer is reached and the result can go in loss. Mixing different medias instead one for advertising is a smart approach. One can take care of the shortcomings of the other and work in tandem to make the overall advertising campaign a huge success

Advantages of Newspaper Advertising: Why Newspapers are Still King

As technology continues to modernize how information is accessed, advertisers are faced with the constant challenge of how to best reach and engage customers. While there are a variety of mediums to choose from, newspapers (print and digital) still reign supreme, providing a number of significant benefits that cannot be found elsewhere, including television, radio, and the Internet.
Top Benefits of Newspaper Advertising
Newspapers offer better targeting.

Newspaper advertising can target specific demographics that are traditionally more difficult to reach through other mediums. This allows advertisers to more effectively reach smaller, niche audiences, including those in specific geographical areas. This targeted advertising can range from simple inserts to regular weekly sections in local newspapers and other special publications.
Newspaper advertising is more flexible.

Newspapers offer more flexibility than any other advertising medium. Advertisers choose the exact size and location of the ad (including section and page), as well as design. Unlike other mediums, such as the Internet, they also choose the exact time the ad appears and its frequency, ensuring that readers will see the same information, in the same format, in the same location.  Advertisers also have more control over the final product, by working directly with newspaper staff.

Newspaper advertising can also integrate print-to-web features, such as QR codes, to link readers with relevant web-based information, including special offers and more. In addition, the short lead times of newspapers allow for quick changes to any ad, while still meeting the necessary deadlines.
Newspaper advertising is more affordable.

Newspaper advertising typically costs less per thousand readers than television, radio, and direct mail advertising. In addition, newspaper staff members will work directly with advertisers to create ads at no additional costs.

Newspaper advertising can also be customized to meet any budget. The decline in newspaper ad revenue means fewer print and digital ads are included in each circulation. This is a significant benefit, as advertisers have less competition for ad space (and customers) than other mediums. Additional discounts can be provided for increased ad coverage and frequency.

Though declining in readership, an average issue of a daily or Sunday newspaper reaches more adults than an average half-hour prime time television show. Readers also remove and/or save information, including special events, features on family and friends, coupons, and more. Whereas the average attention span of an Internet user is 8 seconds, readers spend considerably more time reviewing information in newspapers, including advertising.

Newspaper readers are also more affluent. According to Mansi Media, approximately 75% of all households with incomes of at least $100,000 read newspapers. These are households with significantly more purchasing power, who are also more likely to be influenced by newspaper ads.

10 reasons why you should be advertising in newspapers

Newspapers are trusted, reliable and efficient vehicles for helping advertisers' messages reach target audiences. Find out some of the other things that make print so valuable.
1. Newspapers are trusted

AdTrust, an Australian study by Galaxy Research and NewsMediaWorks, looked into consumer trust in content and advertising across 10 media channels and found a direct correlation between the two, with ads in news media ranked as the most trusted.

Despite being heavier users of digital media, audiences under the age of 35 ranked ads in newspapers as the most trustworthy of all media.

The study showed respondents aged 18 to 24 readers trust ads in newspapers more than any other media and more than any other age group.
2. Newspaper readers are the first to buy a new product or service among family and friends

When it comes to building momentum for a new brand or product, appealing to early adopters can be critical. Those early adopters read newspapers.
Research included in NewsMediaWork's Quarterly Report, shows 75 per cent of those who are the first in their social network to try a new product are newspaper readers.

Further, readers are 30% more likely to discuss products advertised with friends and family, and go online for more information, according to a report published in Admap magazine.
3. Newspapers offer valued advertising

For centuries, newspapers have been responsible for credible and in-depth reporting on local, regional, national and global issues every day.
The trust and reliance readers place on newspapers have a hallow effect on advertising found within the medium.

Research has shown consumers are not only open to press advertising, they rely on it as an essential shopping tool when making purchasing decisions.

Additionally, advertising in newspapers is highly scalable and has a high reach, with more than 13 million Australians reading newspapers. Newspapers also present advertisers the opportunity to target high engaged readers.
4. Newspapers help brands stay top of mind

Standing out from competitors in a crowded ad market has never been harder. This is why being top-of-mind for prospects at the early stage of the purchase journey is critical for sales.

Newspapers outperform nine of the ten tested media platforms for gaining cut through and lifting recall, with an average of one-in-three buyers (39%) saying they recall seeing a print ad at the outset of their buying cycle.
5. Newspapers trigger call-to-action beyond other media

The immediate nature of newspapers extends to an ability to bring about an action on the part of consumers. Advertising in newspaper media consistently drives short-term purchases.

Call-to-action is often at the core of an effective advertisement and the resulting sales figures are the benchmark for return on investment.

Research shows readers are more likely to act on an ad they've seen in their local newspaper, rather than on TV or radio.

The range of responses vary depending on the call-to-action – a special offer, website deal or a hotline for orders.

Recent research commissioned by NewsLocal, a publishing business owned by News Corp Australia, shows just how powerful local newspapers are in attracting customer's in-store. It finds:

    72% of readers go in-store seeking what was featured in a sale ad in their local newspaper
    66% go in-store to browse after reading a sale ad in their local newspaper

6. Newspapers are an emotive medium

As protagonists of truth and setting the news agenda, newspapers influence the knowledge and opinions of Australians, enhancing the collective consciousness. They have long recognised what society wants and needs to know. Newspapers were the first forum to voice these opinions. Inciting anger, invoking cheer and despair, newspapers stimulate emotion and encourage action.

The NMA UK's neuroscience research has demonstrated the power of national newspaper advertising to drive a strong emotional response; in tests the emotional response to newspapers ads was stronger than response to the TV ads tested. Tracking of in-market campaigns has reinforced this finding; 20 in-market studies provided clear evidence of national newspapers strength in generating increased emotional identification.
7. Newspapers are an active medium

Unlike TV or radio, newspapers require consumers to be engaged and active in order to consume the content.
Research conducted by Lumen comparing the currency of attention across media formats, shows that the average print ad is five times more likely to get noticed than even the best performing digital ads.

Because consumers give newspapers their undivided attention and actively consume content, it's the ideal environment for advertising messages to influence consumer behaviour, especially when it comes to deciding on brands.
8. Regular readers have strong spending power

According to a report from The Works, regular newspaper readers earn above-average salaries.
Regular print readers earn more than the typical Australian. Their average salary is $84,178pa, which outstrips by $8,697 the wage earned by the average non-newspaper reader ($75,481pa).

Readers' higher earnings translate into stronger spending power.
Advertisers looking to reach the wealthiest shoppers should include print newspapers in their media plans.
9. Newspapers are immediate and timely

Short deadlines allow ads to run in a matter of days –  even within 24 hours. This makes newspapers a great environment for topical advertising, and perfect for brands that are market sensitive.
10. Flexible medium = unlimited creative possibilities

From a tiny space, to multiple ads on a page, to printing through the gutter, you can create almost any ad you want.  And with millions of dollars being invested into printing plants, production capabilities are continually improving.

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