99+ Top Way Most Powerful Advertising using Power Words

Advertising using Power Words - Word cannot only influence the minds of people but can completely change their perception abut a particular thing. Words have the persuasion power to entice and motivate. They are used by the politicians, public relations personals, and even by parents to pass on their message. These words are known as power words and they can do wonders when used in advertisement.

New or improved words create a sense of curiosity. The customers get an impression that the product is something that is different from others and he tries to get it before anyone else does so as to have edge over others. The laundry products have always been advertised as new and improved, from years. Although it can be either new improved version of the existing product, but the power of both the words and the product reinforces each other's strength.

Advertising using Power Words

Take for instance the line 'Money back guarantee', these power words helps gain the trust of the customer. It is a must to print these words at the closing line of an advertisement. After this sentence, the methods of payment and how money will be returned if the customer is not satisfied should be stated.

Most of the successful advertisements have a little known secret that surely generated curiosity within the reader. People are knowledge thirsty, they want to know what others do not know. They think that there is some vital information they are missing because of which they haven't gained success in something particular.

Words 'Insider say that', is similar to 'secret'. It gives out information from some expertise that is still unknown to the outside world and only if the customer gives money, information will be divulged to him.      

Free word in the headline of the message simply does wonders. The reader easily absorbs the message, unless and until something free is given to the customer in reality. By any change, if the company tricks the customer into paying money for something, which was supposed to be free, the trust of the customer is lost instantly. Usually the word FREE is spelled as FR~E on websites as ISP filters blocks messages having the actual word, considering it to be some kind of spam.

You is a very important word to be used in an advertisement. It directly points out the advantages to the customer, if he buys a particular product or service. Step into the shoes of the customer and try to note down the points which will be of benefit and what points will decrease the interest. The advantages then should be referred to the customer by addressing them with 'you'. The customer feels that he is being directly talked to.

The word 'Immediately' rings in the emergency. It can be interpreted as 'Don't wait any longer, get it now!' This motivates the customer to take some necessary and quick action.

Power in itself is a powerful word. Give that power to the consumer and see the magic. This gives the consumer a feeling that he can get possession of something that he lacked till now and this could make him achieve the impossible.

The basis of a successful advertisement is to understand the consumer's needs and then design the advertisement accordingly. Just stating the advantages of using the product or service of the company isn't enough. Sentence should be so designed that the customer should see his advantage in the product. For example, when advertising for a digital camera, just stating that the in-built memory of the camera is of 1 GB, won't do the trick. Instead, the sentence should be changed to 'enough memory to store 350 pictures or 50 videos'. The solution to the problem of the customer is reflected in this sentence. Ideas can be taken from advertisements of other similar brands like how the sentences are written and placed in an advertisement. After the sentence framing, adding power words to spice up the advertisement will definitely make a winning ad campaign.

The 20 Most Powerful Words in Advertising

Words sell. They always have and they always will—especially in today's social media-driven world, which is primarily text-based. People have forsaken newspapers and television and now connect to brands via Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and blogs, where advertisers have 3 seconds (not 30) to sell a product or service.

The question is, which words connect?

Here are 20 words that—if used properly and judiciously—should be considered because they resonate with consumers and help sell goods and services.
Top 20 Words in Advertising

    You. "You" is the most powerful word in advertising for a reason: it's personal. "Let's talk about you." People are invested in themselves, so if you promise to make people rich that's one thing, but if you say, "I'll make you rich," that's a different story. "You" is also a word you must use when talking to your customers because that's who you're addressing. And when you do that, you're talking about a person's favorite subject.
    Results. This word is synonymous with success. We all want results, whether it's from a household cleaner or our bank manager. It's also a powerful word because it's a promise that helps the consumer rationalize the purchase.

    Health. This word is used a lot these days, and not just when talking about physical health. Perhaps the most commonly used variation is "improve your financial health." It works because we all know what good health is. If you can make a promise of good health, be it in a food or service, you are doing well. But don't abuse the word, nor make a promise you can't keep.
    Guarantee. This word is a safety net. Just think of the way you use it in everyday life. "I guarantee I will be home by 5 p.m." is your way of removing any doubt. In advertising, a guarantee is a promise made by a corporation to a consumer, and it's viewed as a commitment. Money-back guarantees are particularly powerful because you remove the risk from trying a new product. And if you're worried about going broke, don't be. Invariably, few people are so annoyed by a product that they ask for a refund because it's usually too much trouble to return it. Again, only use it if you can back up the guarantee, or your credibility will be damaged.

    Discover. "Discover" is a prompt that advertisers use to say, "You're going to get something out of this." Or, when it comes products, it's worth trying. "Discover" is a promise of something more to come.
    Love. This one has multiple meanings. You can be "in love" with something (like new shoes), or you can "love" how well something works or performs. Either way, love is a strong word. Of course, you must be judicious in its use. It's one thing to say, "You're going to love the way it smells" when talking about a perfume. It's quite another to say, "You will instantly fall in love with our toilet cleaner." No one falls in love with a toilet cleaner. Remember, love may work well, but don't lay it on too thick.

    Proven. When you have a brand-new product, not a new version of an existing product, there's a hump that you need to get over. That's because customers are dealing with an unknown. They can wait to read the reviews, ask friends and relatives, or you can help potential customers get over the hump by providing the proof yourself. Just be sure you can back up any claims you make.
    Safety (or safe). We demand safety from our products. We want to know that our investment is safe, or that our children are playing with toys that meet the highest safety standards. We want food that has been inspected, and we want safe choices in clothing and shoes. The question becomes how to talk about safety. Sometimes, it naturally comes up, such as baby products or items that are designed to provide safety. However, sometimes the word safe is a negative because it raises an issue considered a given. For example, "our burgers are 100 percent safe to eat."

    Save. Even the wealthiest people like getting a deal. If you can genuinely promise to save someone money, you'd be foolish not to point this out. And as for saving time, time is money, which is something everyone wants to save.
    New. Except for vintage Gucci, many people want the latest, even if it's not all that new in reality. A certain brand of consumers always want the next new smartphone, the newest model car, the latest fashions, the hot new espresso maker—and are willing to pay for it.
    Best. When used correctly—like "best in class" or "winner of Car & Driver's Best New SUV of 2019," "best" has real power. However, what's best is subjective in advertising. You can't back up "the world's best cup of coffee" unless you have concrete evidence to prove it.

    Now. Instant gratification is important to people, especially in this age of fast, free shipping, and immediate downloads of movies and music. Just make sure when you say now, you mean now. And don't forget about the converse usage of now in advertising; getting the customers to "act now." The word has power, especially when coupled with language that creates urgency. For example, "Call now, and you'll get free shipping and an additional product free."
    Free. When something is genuinely free, a consumer will sit up and take notice. However, often the word is followed by the dreaded asterisk that leads the consumer to fine print that reads, "free trial." However, free samples, free shipping, free returns, buy-one-get-one-free, and other truly free offers make this word a consistent power player in advertising.

    Sex. Just like "free," a word like "sex" has suffered from all kinds of misleading statements. For example, "This mattress will put sex back in your marriage." That's an awfully big leap. However, humans are sexual creatures and respond to the word. So, when using the word, be mindful of relevancy and context. You can use variations on the word, like "sexy" or "sexual," but it should be applicable, such as "sexy lingerie." One of the reasons magazines like Cosmopolitan, Redbook, and Seventeen consistently have the word "sex" on the front cover is because the word sells copies.

    Increase. This word is an absolute must for B2B advertisements. When decision makers look for products, they are looking for a lift in return in investment or productivity. This word highlights how your product provides tangible value, such as in increasing sales, intelligence, or time with family.
    Try. If you think the word "buy" is too aggressive, try something softer. One variation is the word "try," which is motivating and action-oriented, but won't overwhelm people not quite ready to commit.

    Opportunity. Chances are that your target audience has some kind of goal that they'd like to reach. Give your customers the opportunity they've been looking for, whether it's a career opportunity or the opportunity to relax.
    Easiest. Consumers and decision makers want products that make their lives easier. They don't want the hassle of something complicated. If your product or service has the potential to make a task easier, then advertise that selling point.
    Compare. If your company's rates or offerings qualitatively or quantitatively beat the competition, use the word "compare" by challenging your prospective customers to run their own comparison. With this word, you'll be showing confidence in your ability to stand behind your brand and empowering customers to make their own conclusions about why your product is the best.

    Unique. By using this word, you'll generate a sense of allure that will catch people's attention. Begin by thinking about what makes your products stand out from the competition. If you have a unique secret sauce, let your customers know.

20 Power Words That Will Electrify Your Online Advertising

A recent Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) study revealed that online advertising accounted for 3.7 percent of the United States' gross domestic product (GDP) in 2011.

At a loss for words? It could be the case that your ads are too.

Marketers are competing with millions of other advertisers for audience eyes. Website visitors see a lot of online advertisements, and unless you're paying attention to the subtleties in your copy, your efforts may go unnoticed.

If you're struggling to find the right words, here are 20 to kickstart your brainstorming. No thesaurus necessary.
1. You

Think of your ads as the first handshake between your brand and your potential customers.

From the very first moment, you want to form connections with the people you want to reach  – and keep in mind, your potential customers are likely in a "what's in it for me?" mindset.

If you start the conversation by focusing on yourself, the people you're trying to reach aren't going to listen. So make your ad about your audience. Anytime you're using the word "we" or "I," think about whether you can substitute the word "you." From a psychological standpoint, those simple three letters are invaluable for helping build connections.
2. Click

The Internet is full of a range of user types, and to some (like people who didn't grow up online), a "click" is not an obvious action to take. If you say "start browsing now," for instance, people might do just that  – browse without actually engaging with your brand.

Instead, say "click to start browsing now."

Note: If you're not sure whether your on-site advertisements or landing pages are confusing people, consider running a test with a tool like CrazyEgg to see where people are and are not clicking.
3. Free

Eventually, they might be willing to spend money, but at first, they'll need some kind of incentive.

4. Increase

This word is an absolute must for B2B advertisements. When decision makers look for products, they are looking for a lift in ROI or productivity. This word highlights how your product provides tangible value.

Are you increasing sales? Conversions?  Intelligence?  Time with family?  When advertising your company, make sure that you emphasize what you have the power to transform. Case in point below:
5. Try

The word "buy" can sometimes appear aggressive, test something softer.  One variation is the the word "try."  Use it to connect with users who may not be ready to bust out their credit cards and start spending.

"Try" is a word that's motivating and action-oriented, but it won't overwhelm people who aren't quite ready to commit.
6. Opportunity

Chances are that your target audience has some kind of goal that they'd like to reach.

Give them the "opportunity" they've been wanting. Are you advertising a career opportunity? A business opportunity? An educational or networking opportunity?
7. Ends

Are you advertising a promotion that ends on a specific date? If so, include that information – a concrete deadline is invaluable for inspiring people to take action.
8. Learn

Like #5 (try), this word will help you get click-throughs from people who are interested in your product but may not be ready to buy.

You're aiming to reach people who are in the research stage of the sales cycle.

9. Easiest

Consumers and decision makers want products that make their lives easier.  They don't want the hassle of something complicated.

If your product or service has the potential to make a task easier, then advertise that selling point – people will be happy to drop what they're doing and listen to what you have to say.

Consider the following example from the KISSmetrics homepage:

10. Find

When customers research a product, they are likely hoping to find an answer to a specific question.

The word "find" is solutions-driven in the sense that it is a key step to solving business puzzles. Check out the following example from UserTesting.

11. Grow

Especially if you're a B2B marketer, your customer base will want their business to grow.

If your product and service can help support that effort, let your audience know from the get-go.

What's even better is if, in the ad itself, you can explain how your product or service promotes growth  – or if you can talk to a niche audience.

Have a look at the Constant Contact Google AdWords ad below:

12. Love

When it comes to sales, emotions are a powerful force.

Don't just give audiences something they'll like – sell them a product they'll love. Make them feel as valued as possible for supporting your business.

13. Compare

Does your company's rates or offerings completely rock compared to your competitors?

If so, challenge your prospective customers to run their own comparison. By using this word, you'll be showing confidence in your ability to stand behind your brand.

You'll empower customers to make their own decisions and form conclusions about why your company provides the absolute best. ]

Not convinced? Compare the following Charles Schwab ad with some others that you've seen.

14.  Time

There's never enough of it, right? If you can demonstrate that your product or service is able to save time, audiences will will be drawn to your offer. More so than money sometimes, time is a valuable asset.

15. Don't

This mono-syllabic word of caution will stop people in their tracks.

Use this word if you're looking for a quick attention grabber, but don't get too bogged down by a negative statement. Keep your "don't" phrases short and sweet. "Don't forget" and "don't miss out" are just a few of the ways to use this power word.

Use the word to help guide people to a decision that they won't regret.
16. Exclusive

The "velvet rope" is a powerful metaphor.

If you are making offers to certain segments of your market only, let them know it.

Keep your advertising honest by ensuring that your offer is actually exclusive.

17. Fast

Nobody wants to wait to see the benefits of their brand new purchase. Whether you're hoping to appeal to business or consumer brands, show that you're committed to quick turnaround.
18. Unique

By using this word, you'll generate a sense of allure that will catch peoples' attention. What makes your products stand out from the crowd? If you have a unique product or 'secret sauce' worth offering, let your customers know.
19. Start

On a subconscious level, this word will get customers thinking about taking that next step. It's a word that motivates people to do more than sit there and stare. Inspire your ad viewers to take action now. Start your analysis with the following SurveyMonkey ad.

20. Be

This word is as versatile as it is inspiring.  It conjures images of transformation.

Be your best. Be better than your best. Be your own boss. Be a leader.

It's a very simple word with powerful applications from education to careers and business.

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